I’m a passionate and driven web developer with an eye for design and appreciation for the human aspect of technology. I am experienced with building websites for small to medium businesses or large web applications for big businesses. Websites can be custom made using cutting edge technology and responsive design or created using the website builder of your choice.
There are a lot of strong opinions about TypesScript. I personally love using it and typically use it in all of my personal JavaScript projects. There is a slight learning curve though, especially if you […]
Strings in JavaScript have a wealth of helpful methods you can use to interact with or otherwise modify the contents of a string. One such method is String.prototype.replace() which lets you create a new string […]
While JavaScript is not strictly typed like languages such as C# or Java, it does still have class support. Originally, working with classes was mostly done through “constructor” functions and methods added to the prototype […]
When Node.js first came out in 2009, the dream of JavaScript everywhere finally became a reality for many JavaScript developers. Full-stack web developers can effectively use the same programming language for both their front and […]
Sometimes the biggest disappointment in programming is a runtime error. You spent the last few hours writing what you thought to be perfect, error-free code. No red underlining to be found in any of your […]
In a previous post we discussed why and how to safely use the window object in JavaScript. If you are trying to use the document object and receiving a ReferenceError: document is not defined error […]
Imagine this: you’ve got your API call setup and working. The data comes back with what you expected. Now? Time to work with that data to create the solution you are looking for. All of […]
JavaScript is a programming language with the sole purpose of allowing developers to add interactivity to web pages. At least, that was its sole purpose. Until Node.js came out. That brought JavaScript out from under […]
One thing that is enjoyable about writing JavaScript code is how simple it is to create and use objects. There are so many creative uses for these objects beyond simply storing and retrieving keyed values. […]
JavaScript has many lesser known yet useful features. One such feature is the Map object. Introduced as part of the ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) specification (and not to be confused with the Array.protoype.map() method), the Map […]