
BetterUptime Review: Is this the better uptime monitor? 2025

By James LePage
 on March 13, 2022

BetterUptime Review: Is this the better uptime monitor? 2025

By James LePage
 on March 13, 2022

In this review, we're going to take a look at BetterUptime. As an agency that actually uses it, we can speak to its ease of use, feature set, pricing, and more, from experience.

BetterUptime is a website uptime monitoring service that offers features like instant alerts, weekly reports, and downtime tracking. It's designed to help you keep your site up and running, and it does a pretty good job of it.


We've been using BetterUptime for a little while now, and we've found it to be a pretty solid uptime monitoring tool. It's easy to use, has all the features we need, and is fairly priced. It's something we upsell to our clients, and also use for our own course and content site here at Isotropic.

It's a tool that you can use as an individual website owner, or a multinational organization, offering tools like issue delegation, phone calls when there's downtime, industry standard uptime status pages, and status tweets.


To jump into this Betteruptime review, let's take a look at the complete features.

Uptime Monitor

At its core, BetterUptime is an infrastructure monitoring platform, better known as an "uptime monitor". An uptime monitor is a service that monitors your website to make sure it's up and running. If it goes down, they'll send you an alert.

You let them know what to monitor, and what should be done if an event occurs. The most common event is complete downtime, but you can change this to monitor pings, DNS, email, keywords, speed, and more.


There are also some advanced features that you can configure with this monitor.

Set SSL verification, tailor request parameters, set headers, include http authentication, and ignore downtime in a predetermined maintenance window. BetterUptime also monitors from 4 regions: North America, Europe, Asia and Australia.

These advanced features allow BetterUptime to slot into anything from monitoring test endpoint to monitor saas, and the biggest use case; website monitoring.

Here are some use cases:

  • website goes down
  • cronjob fails
  • SSL certificate expires
  • server runs out of RAM
  • cache hit rate fails
  • database backup fails
  • server CPU is at 100%
  • Apdex decreases
  • RAID array fails

On Call and Escalation

So what happens when the website or app goes down? That's when your escalation policies, on call notifications, and integrations come into play.


First, you'll typically have an on-call individual who will receive helpful alerts whenever there's an issue from the monitoring perspective. They'll get a call, text, email or Slack, alerting them to the issue. Then they can determine if it's a false positive, or if there's an actual issue that needs to be addressed.

The on call is a powerful feature, because you can connect it to company-wide calendars. For example, say somebody has vacation on a week. If the calendar is connected, BetterUptime will understand this and assign somebody else to be on call. That way the right person is always there for incident management.


You'll also configure escalation policies. This is a list of people who will get notified about an issue, in order. So if the on-call person doesn't fix the issue, the next person in the policy will get notified. This continues until the issue is resolved.

You'll also be able to see screenshots and logs of the issue. If there are 30 at once, they can be merged into a single incident.

You'll also want to ensure that your team is aware of outages and downtimes, which is where integrations come in. They work with New Relic, Datadog, Slack, Zapier, and even have an API, so you can slot them into anything you need.


BetterUptime also offers weekly reports (sent to stakeholder emails), detailing the uptime and downtime of your website. This is a great way to track progress and ensure that your site is running smoothly.

Status Page

On the public side of things, you can show your current status with a public status page. This is fully customizable to your brand.

The professional looking status page can be turned on with the click of a button, and you can connect a custom domain. You can also add Google Analytics, custom CSS and custom Javascript. Here's our status page:

Platform Design

The BetterUptime platform has been designed with the user in mind. It's simple, easy to navigate, and can be used by anyone.

You don't need any special knowledge or coding skills - you just add your websites and monitors, and you're good to go.

It's a really well designed, intuitive, and easy to use piece of technology, and makes solving incidents faster because of it.

Help And Support

Help and support consists of email support and a robust documentation. The email support is quick, and the team is helpful.


The documentation is fantastic. It's well written, thorough, and covers everything you need to know about the product.


Pricing ranges from free to enterprise.


The Small Team plan is what we have and are very happy with it.

Compared to competitors, you're saving a ton of money. For example, if you wanted all of the features that BetterUptime offered, without paying for the service, you'd need to layer Pingdom, PagerDuty and on top of each other.


Is BetterUptime Worth It?

In short, yes.

It's an easy to use product that offers a lot of features, and is great for website monitoring.

The on call and escalation features are top notch, and the integrations are great.

The status page is also a fantastic way to show your website's uptime to the public.

Overall, we think BetterUptime is a great product and definitely worth checking out.

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Article By
James LePage
James LePage is the founder of Isotropic, a WordPress education company and digital agency. He is also the founder of, a venture backed startup bringing AI to WordPress creators.
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