
The Master List Of Bricks Builder Addons

By James LePage
 on June 17, 2022

The Master List Of Bricks Builder Addons

By James LePage
 on June 17, 2022

Bricks Builder is a relatively new WordPress Page builder that's quickly growing in popularity amongst casual creators and developers alike. Released in mid-2021, it's maturing rapidly, adding powerful features with every new release.

In this article, we're going to take a look at Bricks Builders addons and third party plugins that extend the functionality of the core tool.

Most every WordPress page builder that's been around for some time has a robust ecosystem of third party addons surrounding them. These plugins and tools typically offer additional components, features, workflow enhancements, shortcuts and more - all with the goal of making your job (creating with Bricks Builder) quicker and easier.

As Bricks matures and grows older, more and more addons are being released.


To make this list, an addon needs to be specifically created to extend the functionality or design of Bricks Builder. It can impact the front end or the back end, but it can't just be a plugin that has support for Bricks. It needs to be made specifically for the site builder.

Addons Directory

Use this table to quickly navigate to the description of the respective addons within this post, or click on the visit “website link” to head to their landing page. We'll update this table as new Bricks Builder Plugins/Addons are released.

Hint: Refer to the "updated date" under the article title to know when this content was last updated.

Addon NameAddon DescriptionAddon Website
Bricksable for Bricks BuilderClick Here
Max Addons For Bricks BuilderClick Here
Bricks UltimateClick Here
Bricks NavigatorClick Here

Now, we'll dive in to each individual addon. Each description will discuss general use cases, pricing, features and more to help you get a better understanding of what the Bricks Builder addon does, and how it may fit into your individual workflow.

Let's get into it!

Bricksable for Bricks Builder


Bricksable is a plugin that adds additional components to the Bricks Builder. Currently, the tool offers 9 new elements that helps creators add unique effects, designs, and interactions.

Here are the current elements included in this Bricks Addon:

  • Flipbox
  • Tilt Image
  • Text Notation
  • Lottie
  • Floating
  • Before After Element
  • Icon List Element
  • Multi Heading Element
  • Content Toggle Element

These elements behave like native Bricks elements; they can be dragged onto the canvas, and manipulated by using the settings panel on the left. Each element comes with it's own options. For example, the Lottie Element allows you to insert a Lottie JSON file, and incorporate the next-gen animation format into a page built with Bricks.

The developers promise that more elements are on the way.


  • Free on the WordPress Repo
  • There's currently no pro/paid version of this plugin.

Max Addons For Bricks Builder

Max Addons is another component plugin.


At the time of publication, Max Addons For Bricks Builder comes with the most third party elements for Bricks. There's both a free plugin and a paid/pro version.

The free version, on the WP Repo, comes with 11 new elements for Bricks.

This tool differentiates itself from competition by including contact form stylers for CF7, Gravity Forms and Fluent Forms.

There's also a pro version which comes with 20+ additional elements, and the devs are constantly adding new ones. These include WooCommerce addons, video players, and more.



Free on the WordPress Repo


The Pro/Paid version of this plugin comes in at $49/yr or $99 for lifetime & unlimited access


BricksExtras is created by the same team behind the popular OxyExtras for Oxygen Builder (and also ZionExtras). They're a collection of more complex addons, intended for bigger projects, and advanced users.


At the time of publication, this tool is still in prelaunch, meaning that pricing will likely increase. For reference, OxyExtras, a sister product, costs $149.

BricksExtras comes with components focused on making Bricks Builder more dynamic. Current elements include:

  • Image Hotspots
  • Tilt, Parallax and Floating Effects
  • Modals
  • OffCanvas
  • Dynamic Tables
Example of an element and the settings/features you have access to


Current prelaunch pricing is $99

Bricks Ultimate

Bricks Ultimate offers additional elements for Bricks Builder. This one offers the most WooCommerce oriented components compared to the other addons listed in this roundup.


These elements are more basic than some of the other offerings on the list.

The site also allows you to request free tutorials and is updated regularly with more info.



Currently $49/yr or $99 as a lifetime purchase.

Bricks Navigator


Bricks Navigator is a free plugin created by Sridhar Katakam. Sridhar is also behind BricksExtras and BricksLabs. BricksLabs, not formally included in this list, is a member-only website that has pro-level tutorials for Bricks Builder.


Bricks Navigator helps users quickly navigate between the various screens and pages that the builder adds to WordPress. For example, you can quickly get a list of all templates, click into it, and begin editing in a few seconds. This saves you from needing to go to the specific template screen, and loading the builder that way - it's just a more efficient way of navigation.


Free on the WordPress Repo


We hope that this master list of Bricks Builder addons helped you understand the various offerings on the market, and how the can help you with your individual workflow. If you know of any additional addons, feel free to leave a comment below, and we'll update this list accordingly!

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2 years ago

Thanks. I love Bricks 😎😎

2 years ago

Thanks for the article. Automatic css is the best plugin for bricks by far.
frames is coming for bricks too.

2 years ago

Bricks is the best of the page builder bunch for me. However the starter sites and sections are not a great base for building pages that look "pro-designer" with my own content and across devices. I have the same problem with starter pages from GP, Kadence, Oxygen etc.. They look good in the shop but real world usability is so so. I tried them all.
I ended up now with a combination of Bricks, Winden and Nintu templates. Those templates just look very good with any content and on all devices. There is excellent documentation and and the guys are super nice and supportive. Now I work faster than ever with much more professional results. And with the LTDs for Nintu and Winden it was very affordable.

Article By
James LePage
James LePage is the founder of Isotropic, a WordPress education company and digital agency. He is also the founder of, a venture backed startup bringing AI to WordPress creators.
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