As we continue our coverage of React content, let’s move forward by taking a step back and learning about the traditional way of creating components in React. Up until version 16.8 of React, if you […]
Background patterns on a website can seriously spruce up the design of specific sections and pages. When incorporated correctly, they'll add a premium feel while replacing the need for heavy You can add background patterns […]
If you're looking to add split color backgrounds to your website, there is an easy way to do that with CSS. It's pretty well supported, and makes for a very unique effect. You can add […]
Standard HTML lists look boring. In this article we are going to discuss how to replace that basic bullet point with any icon you desire. This method will use CSS And replace that bullet to […]
This post is going to be taking a look at some of the best CSS code snippets to style block quotes in 2020. We wrote this article because we were trying to find good CSS […]