Continuing our series about React, specifically React hooks, let’s take a look at the useEffect hook. This is a very powerful hook that allows you to handle side effects of state or prop changes as […]
React hooks are great. Released with version 16.8 in 2019, React hooks allow React function components to use state similarly to how class components do. Despite being around a couple years, many of us are […]
This article will discuss the best ways to make moving marquee elements in modern web design. A marquee is an infinite section of text and/or visual element (like images) that automatically scrolls horizontally. Despite the […]
prefers-reduced-motion is a helpful accessibility query that every web developer should be using. It checks to see if a users system has been instructed to minimize motion. Some may be negatively impacted by animations such […]
In this tutorial, we're going to make a page that snaps from one fullscreen section to another as the user scrolls. This effect was popularized by the fullpage.js library. But now, there are better options […]
Adding comments in JSX (JavaScript XML) works a bit differently than regular Javascript comments. A common question for those getting started in React is "how do you add JSX comments?". If you try to add […]
In this article, we're going to discuss how to make a multi page website (or app) in React. This is a relatively simple concept, and can be done in about five minutes. Once you understand […]
This article will show you how to add Google Fonts to your computer. Google offers an incredible selection of high-quality and free fonts that can be used in website projects, graphic design, and any other […]
Fonts and typography make up a fundamental aspect of website design. If you're interested in figuring out what font a website is using, there are several methods to do just that. Perhaps you've stumbled across […]
This article will walk you through the best ways to fix the common WordPress error of "The Following Required Properties Are Missing: fb:App_id Error", discussing what it means and how to fix it. This is […]