
How To Add JSX Comments in React

By James LePage
 on March 13, 2022

How To Add JSX Comments in React

By James LePage
 on March 13, 2022

Adding comments in JSX (JavaScript XML) works a bit differently than regular Javascript comments.

A common question for those getting started in React is "how do you add JSX comments?". If you try to add it like a standard Javascript comment, the text will get parsed and show up on the frontend of your app.

Here's a quick demo of what will happen if you try something <!-- Like This -->.

Parsing error: Unexpected token. This is because it's trying to render the comment as a DOM element.

Instead, JSX Comments are done in a unique way.

We'll render a comment by using Javascript block comments, and wrapping them in curly braces. The curly braces tell the JSX parser that anything in between them must be interpreted as JavaScript, not a string.

With this approach, we can can do both single line and multi line JSX comments in React.

function CommentDemo() { return ( <div> {/* This way will work! */} </div> ); } function CommentDemoMultiline() { return ( <div> {/* This way will work! I can also do multiple lines as long as it's in the braces. */} </div> ); }

This is the "official" way to add comments in JSX and React.

You can also choose to use // to include comments, but this must be broken into multiple lines, and wrapped in curly braces. If you use this method on a single line, it'll break as the closing curly brace is thought to be part of the comment, breaking things.

function CommentDemoMultiline() { return ( <div> { //This way will work! //I can also do multiple lines as long as it's in the braces. } {// This way will break everything though.} </div> ); }
When using // the closing curly brace must be on a new line.

This article showed you two ways to add a comment in JSX. This is helpful for documenting your work in React projects. Wrapping something in single curly braces tells the compiler to interpret whatever is within as javascript, which is why these commenting methods work (they're basic JS commenting methods).

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2 years ago

Very Intresting Aricle to Read,no boring while reading

Thanks & Regards

2 years ago

It is very useful for the students thuse who are preparing 

 Thanks & Regards

Article By
James LePage
James LePage is the founder of Isotropic, a WordPress education company and digital agency. He is also the founder of, a venture backed startup bringing AI to WordPress creators.
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