
The Master List Of Oxygen Builder Addons

By James LePage
 on July 13, 2020
Last modified on January 7th, 2022

The Master List Of Oxygen Builder Addons

By James LePage
 on July 13, 2020
Last modified on January 7th, 2022

The Oxygen Builder for WordPress is an incredibly powerful tool. It allows you to easily build WordPress websites visually, while incorporating advanced features such as custom breakpoints and on page PHP. It reinvents the very core of the CMS, replacing the need for themes with a complete site builder that allows you to build everything from the header two individual templates.

Oxygen Builder is also extremely lightweight, and outputs the bare minimum of code necessary to make your website. This results in website that loads quickly, looks good, and is completely customized to your needs. From power users to developers alike, this tool is the solution for many.

As Oxygen Builder has grown in popularity, a robust community of 3rd party add-ons and integrations has begun flourishing. These tools extend the functionality of the builder and make your workflow more efficient.

In this post, we're going to cover the leading Oxygen Builder addons, the features that they add to your WordPress installation, pricing, and more. We will also be taking a look at real user reviews of these products. Hopefully, this master list of Oxygen Builder addons should provide you with all of the information that you need to make an informed purchasing decision.

To make this list, the addon needs to be specifically created to extend the functionality or design of Oxygen. It can impact the front end or the back end, but it can't just be a plugin that has support for Oxygen. It needs to be made specifically for the site builder.

And, even though we have an affiliate disclosure displayed on this message, the Oxygen Builder as well as many of the third party add-ons are strictly “no affiliate” (Which may be why this post is the first place that you're hearing about some of these add-ons ). Now, without any further ado, let's take a look at the leading Oxygen Builder addons.

Addons Directory

Use this table to quickly navigate to the description of the respective addons within this post, or click on the visit “website link” to head to their landing page.

Addon NameAddon DescriptionAddon Website
Hydrogen PackTake Me ThereLink To Addon Website
OxyToolboxTake Me ThereLink To Addon Website
OxyExtrasTake Me ThereLink To Addon Website
NimbufyTake Me ThereLink To Addon Website
Oxy UltimateTake Me ThereLink To Addon Website
OxyPowerPackTake Me ThereLink To Addon Website
Editor EnhancerTake Me ThereLink To Addon Website
Oxy TransferTake Me ThereLink To Addon Website
Swiss Knife for Oxygen BuilderTake Me ThereLink To Addon Website
OxyElementsTake Me ThereLink To Addon Website
AsuraTake Me ThereLink To Addon Website
OxyNinja CoreTake Me ThereLink To Addon Website
Agency BaseTake Me ThereLink To Addon Website

Now, let's take an in depth look at each of the add-ons in this list, figure out what it does, why it might be a good idea for you, and take a look at some user reviews. If you have thoughts about any of these, leave a comment!

Now, we're going to take a look at each individual oxygen builder add-on in the list, introduce it, discuss use cases, review pricing, and take a look at some user reviews. These user reviews are sourced from the Facebook Oxygen Builder group.

Hydrogen Pack

Hydrogen Pack for Oxygen Builder Is an add-on that is specifically designed to make your workflow more efficient. It includes many time saving utilities that are specifically created for those who use the Oxygen Builder to create websites.  

Hydrogen Pack Oxygen Builder Addon

The add-on for Oxygen Builder has five main features.

  • Right Click Menu - Right clicking on the Oxygen Builder canvas will toggle a menu that allows you to access common commands and shortcuts.
  • Real World Clipboard - You can copy and paste oxygen elements between multiple websites and tabs. This is done by copying the code directly to the computer's memory.
  • Enhanced Structure Panel - This offers an easier way to view the individual sections, divs, and columns.
  • Enhanced Conditions Dialog - A quicker way to make use of the advanced conditional features that Oxygen Builder has to offer.

It also includes tons of keyboard shortcuts (think CRTR + Z).

From these features, you can really tell that this pack was created by those who used Oxygen, identified the downsides of the builder, and created a solution for them.

The plugin pricing is quite reasonable:

  • $19.99 for use on one website
  • $29.99 for use on five websites
  • $39.99 for use on unlimited websites

These are not billed per year -- in true Oxygen fashion, they are lifetime licenses with unlimited updates.

Swiss Knife Pro for Oxygen

A new addition to this list, Swiss Knife Pro is the bigger brother of the free Swiss Knife plugin (discussed below). This tool is focused on workflow enhancement for the oxygen builder, and offers unique features like dark and light themes with increased contrast, an easy to use debug mode, and a custom fonts manager.

The main selling point here for us is the custom themes for the Oxygen Builder editor which make the buttons easier to click and view.

Also, if you use the code block element a lot when creating web sites, this tool adds the autocomplete functionality (similar to VS Code or Codepen), as well as emmet abbreviations. It's under active development, and new features are being added pretty much every week.


This is another addon for Oxygen Builder that is specifically dedicated to saving time and making your workflow more efficient. It comes with dozens of sub features, like copy and paste, right click menus and more.

Here's a list of all of the main features that the plugin has to offer:

Class Act
Classes Cleaner
Text Edit
Back To Top
Reading Progress Bar
Table of Contents
Editor Tweaks
Rank Math Integration
Yoast Integration
Image Width and Height Size Attributes
Offline Mode
All Templates Button
Remove Themes and Theme Editor From Admin Menu
Disable Gutenberg

There are some essential functionalities that this plugin brings to the table. For example, the Oxygen Builder in its base form doesn't integrate well with Rank Math or Yoast. This plugin has integrations for some of the most popular SEO plugins, meaning that you can easily understand if you are oxygen website is doing well SEO wise.

It also adds a robust collection of conditions that you can use in tandem with the default conditions included in the base installation of Oxygen. Some examples of these conditions are the browser that the user is visiting your website with, the mobile device, geographical locations, and more. These are extremely powerful and can be very helpful in many situations.

The pricing for Oxy Toolbox is $119.


OxyExtras is made by the same development team behind OxyToolbox. While OxyToolbox focuses on Making your design workflow more efficient, OxyExtras offers you more design elements that you can use when building your website.

For example, there are now infoboxes, author biographies, and other unique elements like that which can easily be incorporated into your Oxygen Builder. The package currently has 23 components, and the team is consistently adding new ones every couple of weeks.

The pricing is a single $99 payment for lifetime access to all future updates.

Nimbufy For Oxygen

This is a very interesting and unique plugin which offers functionalities that we haven't seen anywhere else. Nimbufy for Oxygen Allows you to quickly convert any HTML website into an oxygen template , completely editable with the website builder.

You simply enter a URL into the tool, it will process the HTML of the underlying page, converted into the Oxygen format, and display an editable version of that page within the builder.

There are currently some limitations such as the fact that it will not import responsive layouts, and it leaves JavaScript alone. However, if you're looking for a way to easily add structural elements to your website, which are based off of the designs of other websites, this tool could be a big time saver.

With this plugin, you purchase KBs of allocation. What this means is that if a website ends up being 200 KB's after being processed into Oxygen's format, that's how many credits you'll need to access the files.  You can get 30,000 KBs for $29.00. The company states that a general web page can take consume anywhere between 200 Kbs to 2000 Kbs.

Oxy Ultimate

Oxy Ultimate Is yet another add-on that is oriented towards improving your workflow with the oxygen builder tool.

This is very similar to OxyExtras, where it offers around 20 individual components that you can add to your oxygen website. These components range from WooCommerce elements to general typographical components.

The most interesting components that we see in this addon are the form stylers. These tools allow you to visually customize the CSS that styles gravity forms, contact form 7, and other major form solutions. This means that you won't need to go ahead and add custom CSS to a stylesheet, instead you can use this tool to style the forms. This could be very helpful in many situations.

There isn't that much information out there regarding this add-on for Oxygen, and it looks like the components can easily be created with CSS. Nevertheless, if you're on the hunt for an addon pack that adds additional components to Oxygen, you should give this plugin a look.


OxyPowerPack’s selling proposition is that it offers the features that should be included in the core of Oxygen, but aren’t.

From the features that we see, it looks like it's living up to its selling proposition. For example, it allows you to add parallax scrolling your Oxygen website, something that isn't included in the base plugin but definitely should be.  

You can set up animated text, custom attributes for all types of elements, 3D Maps, lazy loading of images, and more.

This is definitely created for those who are more familiar with JavaScript and interested in extending the functionality of their Oxygen Builder website. There are tons of little tweaks and tools included in OxyPowerPack that seriously extend the functionality of your website.

From the Oxygen Facebook group, this plugin looks to be one of the more popular offerings out there, due to the essential features that it has to offer. At the same time, it seems like the developer is extremely slow too respond, So we definitely recommend reaching out to him or the asking the Facebook group to see if this situation is changed if you're looking to purchase the plug-in.

The current pricing is $69, but it looks like this changes around a lot.

Editor Enhancer

Editor Enhancer offers a suite of extensions to improve your workflow. Unlike some of the other workflow plugins, this one looks to integrate directly into the oxygen User interface, offering slight tweaks that make the usability better and increase your efficiency.

There are several settings oriented towards power users which Could be very helpful if you're developing many websites at scale.

There are also several extensions that are built into the core of the plugin. These extensions can be toggled on or off and add specific features to the builder.

Quick Buttons

There are keyboard sequences, custom preferences, and tons of minor tweaks oriented towards those who are using Oxygen Builder to create websites for clients.

This plugin costs $79 for a lifetime license, and of the Oxygen Builder addon included in this list, it looks to be one of the more valuable ones, offering tons of important features.

The reviews from the Facebook group seem to agree with our premise:

Oxy Transfer Pro

Oxy Transfer Pro Is a simple plugin that fulfills a single task. It lets you import and export pages, blocks, and other templates from one Oxygen installation to another. There's a free version that gives you basic migration capabilities, and a pro version that is oriented towards those who want to sell their Oxygen assets.  

The pro version costs $49.00 per year.

However, it looks like this plugin fulfills the same purpose as some other offerings out there. the other offerings may do a better job then OxyTransfer So we definitely suggest that you shop around before making the purchase.  

Swiss Knife For Oxygen (free)

This is a free plugin available in the WordPress plugin repository. It has multiple features, but is best known for changing the default dark oxygen interface into a light theme.

Here are the key features of the plugin:

  • Better contrast
  • Icons in right sidebar for element types
  • Wide structure sidebar
  • Structure opens on load
  • Breakpoints always visible and on top
  • Keyboard shortcuts ctrl + S to save, crtl + D to duplicate



OxyElements a collection of design components and elements created specifically for oxygen builder. For over 200 individual elements, including purpose designed offerings for WooCommerce. With this collection of components, you can easily build an oxygen website in a matter of hours. Furthermore, all of these elements natively integrate with the oxygen template system, and they're easy to edit and make your own.

OxyNinja Core

OxyNinja Core is a UI kit for oxygen builder, containing a framework and design library.

Included are CSS grid columns, cards, typography, sizing & spacing, colors, as well as 160+ premade elements which can be used as it, or edited to your design styling.

It's quick, easy, and $99 for lifetime access.

Agency Base

Agency Base is another framework tool designed to speed up your workflow.

  • Fluidly responsive font sizing based on the browser viewport width
  • CSS variables generated automatically from theme colors and their shades
  • Standard class name library to simplify consistently naming classes
  • All of the above readily accessible inside the Oxygen editor with click-to-copy
  • Easy import/export to move settings between sites
  • More to come…

Asura For Oxygen

Asura for Oxygen is an interesting and unique addition to the ecosystem. While most are focused on making your workflow more efficient, Asura offers a way to monetize finished design sets.

If you've ever published or purchased a plugin before, you're probably familiar with license keys. When somebody pays for something, they enter the key, and access the product, reducing piracy.

If you create design sets for Oxygen (our agency has a whole private library), this plugin allows you to monetize that work. This is a pretty new plugin, but the dev behind it is rapidly adding new features. Future versions will even integrate with WooCommerce and EDD -- the possibilities are endless.


We hope that this list gave you a good collection of Oxygen Builder addons for you to go and check out. We've only used a couple of them ourselves, but a simple question in the Facebook group will give you a bunch of reviews and thoughts on each of the offerings.

As always, if you have any questions regarding Oxygen Builder Addons, or you would like to add 1 to this list, leave a comment below.

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Jose A Roncero
Jose A Roncero
3 years ago

This is very helpful. I've been on the lookout for a new Sitebuilder, and your content is veering me towards Oxygen from all the other old school site builders.

The only contender to Oxygen might be the Kadence Theme + Kadence Blocks which augment instead of replacing Gutenberg blocks.

Would you mind comparing Oxygen vs Kadence's approach?

Last edited 3 years ago by Jose A Roncero
Jeff Khan
3 years ago

I would like to say something, the prices for Oxy Transfer Pro have changed.
It costs $ 49 life time and not per year.

Has anyone else experienced this tool ?!


3 years ago

Oxyextras is not 99 USD but 149 USD (and they state that they are not affiliated with Oxygen or endorsed by Soflyy).

3 years ago

You left out OxyMade, one of the best!!

Article By
James LePage
James LePage is the founder of Isotropic, a WordPress education company and digital agency. He is also the founder of, a venture backed startup bringing AI to WordPress creators.
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