A common question we see online is “what’s the best WordPress theme/builder for Affiliate Marketers, bloggers, or content creators”?
Bloggers using WordPress have a unique collection of requirements: Converting design, fast-loading websites, and technically sound structure for SEO.
Our go to suggestion is using Oxygen, a WordPress page builder to create your Content website. This is a paid pagebuilder plugin created for WordPress that focuses on our putting very clean code, and offering users a powerful yet simple interface to create templates, posts, and pages.
It’s one of the most flexible tools on the market, and it’s pricing structure is a lifetime deal, meaning that you buy at once, and get updates forever. This is awesome for affiliate marketers as it increases margins.
We also manage a collection of high traffic Affiliate Websites and built with Oxygen Builder - All perfect in terms of technical SEO, speed, and customizability.
The only drawback with this tool was that he completely disables word press the demons, meaning you were going to need to build the website from scratch. This is very doable, and oxygen has elements such as a repeater that makes creating a blog really easy. For example, the blog that you’re reading right now was built with the Page Builder.
But the fact still remains that you needed to take the time to create the website before you could publish content on it. For some affiliate marketers is this was more than OK, as the flexibility with design was only limited by your imagination. At the same time, some other affiliate marketers were turned away from this platform as there is no easy way to get an affiliate website up and running in a matter of minutes.
You could use template kits, but until recently there wasn’t a large collection of pre-designed templates for Content Websites.
With the recent launch of Blogzine by OxyMade, this limitation has been removed. Blogzine is a collection of hundreds of pre-built Oxygen Templates, designed specifically for Content Websites. They can be installed in mereminutes, Look good, and load quickly.
Now, affiliate marketers and content creators looking to build websites with the best WordPress Page Builder on the market no longer need to take the days to build it themselves or hire a developer. Simply install the OxyMade plugin, import the template, applied to the respective pages, and begin publishing content in under 20 minutes.
Let’s take a look at some of the designs offered in this new template set for Oxygen Builder.
This ships with homepages, single post templates, 404 pages, author archives, additional archives, search pages, mega menu blocks, and other assorted elements for content creators. Because it uses native Oxygen elements, you can completely customize the look and feel after importing, or leave as is.
The designs look very similar to popular WordPress Themes is intended for bloggers and content creators, bringing the missing piece of the puzzle to Oxygen Builder.
So, if you’re looking to build a blog with Oxygen, look no further. This collection of design elements will get you up and running in no time.
Blogzine is offered in the Unlimited Everything plan for OxyMade, and completely integrated with the backend plugin, design set importer and OxyMade framework.
OxyMade is one of the best plugins one could buy for Oxygen. If you’re interested, you can read our in-depth review regarding the complete collection of design elements and framework.
With this new design set, the Oxygen Page Builder becomes a viable and appealing option to content creators, bloggers, and affiliate marketers. You can now set up a low bloat WordPress website with immense customizability on Oxygen in a matter of minutes.